Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Curriculum Development Assignment ( French Secondary PGCE) Essay

Curriculum Development Assignment ( French Secondary PGCE) - Essay Example In this context, one would define an authentic learning experience as one which would prepare students for real-life situations (using props, or realia, if necessary and available) in order to facilitate the learning process. Students, then, are not seen from the philosophical lens of being merely â€Å"vessels to be filled with knowledge,† as Paulo Freire might have argued. Nor are students coming to classroom with their minds a tabula rossa, a blank slate on which one must fill their heads with ideas—as John Locke might very well have argued. Instead, students have knowledge already, prior knowledge that can be tapped into and used in dramatic situations in order to facilitate new learning, weaving what they know in with what they don’t know. Additionally, students have ideas already in their minds about the language they are learning and how exactly they might like to go about learning in their own manner—but, perhaps outside of a drama-inspired French class, they might not receive as many opportunities to be creative in secondary school subjects as they might with a class designed like this one. Indeed, it is the students who make the classroom setting and the learning fun by adding their own knowledge or surprise â€Å"twist† to the subject matter’s material, if you will. ... In every truly good drama, there are always elements of serious academic study and research that go behind every academic project worthy of some undertaking. Drama is a way for students to use different kinds of intelligences as defined by Howard Gardner’s Theory Of Multiple Intelligences, which are common knowledge to educators everywhere—the different intelligences being bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, verbal-linguistic, logical, spatial, and naturalist intelligences all combined. For example, students may use their interpersonal skills interacting with each other as actors and actresses. Intrapersonal—or extremely introverted students—may learn to be more outgoing and even have their own soliloquies. Musical students may choose to sing in their dramatic presentation, in French, as part of their particular project. Verbal-linguistic students might be interested in reciting long monologues or dialogues that they themselves have written in French, and then perform them in a lively and witty verbal discourse. Students who are visual may use their spatial intelligence in order to draw or design temporary, movable scenery or provide visual imagery for the presentation—which could include technology such as a PowerPoint or a presentation on a SmartBoard (if such technologies are available). Students with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence may be good with activities requiring movement and the proper placement of one’s presence on-stage. Students with naturalistic intelligence may incorporate nature and ethical treatment for animals into their dramatic presentations. As an additional bonus, some students may have high moral intelligence, which may lead them to produce a morality play, for

Monday, October 28, 2019

Interpreting The History Of Volcanoes And Volcanic Rocks Essay Example for Free

Interpreting The History Of Volcanoes And Volcanic Rocks Essay Drawing from the diagram, the volcanic history is as outlined below and other relevant details are also supplied. 1.0 Sequential summary of volcanic history the area a. Andersite porphyry: this is the oldest. Andersite indicates magma of intermediate composition. Its silica content is midway between felsic rocks (having high silica content) and mafic rocks (having low silica content). Its formation is a two-step process where slow cooling occurs at the initial stage within the crust forming large crystals as a result. However, the remaining magma moves further out and, as a result, cools to form a fine grained texture within which the earlier formed large crystals are embedded. This indicates a slow eruption. b. Turf grading into braccia: these are pyroclastic rocks formed by violent eruption of highly viscous magma. The tuff is finer than breccia but the two are of the same occurrence of formation. The magma forces its way out shattering the surrounding plastic rocks into ashes and block fragments. These consolidate to form tuff and breccia respectively and are likely to be felsic since high viscousity indicates a high silica content c. Dacite porphyry: this is of similar composition and formation style as andersite porphyry though it has higher silica content than andersite. d. Pumice Breccia: pumice is fine textured, filled with porous holes containing gases that were trapped within the forming magma at the onset of eruption. The gases later escapes to form a light, porous glassy rock. The breccia was likely to have resulted from the shattering of the rocks as the magma erupts out. Pumice is light colured which indicates a felsic composition (felsic rocks are lightly coloured than mafic rocks) e. Polymictic breccia: this indicates a mixture of breccia of varying silica content which indicates the onset of the formation of an interrupting basaltic formation which is to follow after. However, the mode of formation is still violent. f. Basalt with rough blacky top: this is a fine grained mafic rock. The rough top indicates that the forming magma was gently erupted and the viscosity low enough to cause the included gas to just escape leaving the bubble spaces at the top. g. Andersite: this has been seen as of intermediate silica composition. The absence of porphyritic material may indicate a less quiet eruption. h. Obsidian with pumice streak: the youngest rock; obsidian resembles pumice but without the bubble holes. The presence of pumice streak indicates violent eruption since some of the gases were trapped as a result of the violence. It is felsic. 2.0 Since the last eruption is about 19 years earlier (the age of the youngest layer), the volcano is still active. The earthquakes and the likes are likely pointers to another volcanic eruption. So evacuation is imminent. 3.0 This is an example of a composite or cinder-cone volcano. The seldom occurrence of pyroclastic materials and rocks of intermediate composition suggests this. These, in addition to the fact that the rocks are from highly viscous magma, also suggests that the volcano is located at a volcanic arc.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Educational Theory of Teaching Writing Essay -- English Writing Teache

When I first encountered Paulo Freire’s work, I was struck with the hypocrisy of my own teaching. I had deluded myself into thinking, to a certain extent, that I was creating a democratic and equal space that was free from the influence of. It was a stark reminder last year when I encountered Richard Shaull’s introduction to Peter Freire’s The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. He writes, â€Å"There is no such things as a neutral educational process. Education either functions as an instrument that is used to facilitate the integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity to it, or it becomes the ‘practice of freedom,’ the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world† (Freire 16). Then, over the summer, as I delved into Lisa Delpit and Sonia Nieto’s work, I came face to face with the socio-econom ic reality of our education system, and how in some ways, I was not nearly as enlightened as I thought myself to be. According to Delpit, â€Å"Many liberal educators hold that the primary goal for education is for children to become autonomous, to develop fully who they are in the classroom setting without having arbitrary, outside standards forced upon them. This is a very reasonable goal for people whose children are already participants in the culture of power and who have already internalized its codes† (Delpit 28). I think that I fall into the category that Delpit discusses here. So many of my original assumptions about what I attempt to do in the classroom have been blown out of the proverbial water, and I am left with the question of what exactly am I doing in the classroom? I am specifically concerne... ... way in which I view grading my students’ essays. Despite the fact that I have found no clarity, perhaps it is the fact that I am still grappling with these issues, facing them on a daily level that keeps me an actively engaged teacher in the realm of teaching writing. Works Cited hooks, bell. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York, NY: Routledge, 1994. Delpit, Lisa. Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom. The New Press, 1995. Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York, NY: Continuum Press, 1970. Bartholomae, David. â€Å"Writing with Teachers: A Conversation with Peter Elbow.† Cross-Talk in CompTheory. National Council of Teachers of English, 1997. Elbow, Peter. â€Å"Being a Writer vs. Being and Academic: A Conflict in Goals.† Cross-Talk In CompTheory. National Council of Teachers of English, 1997. Educational Theory of Teaching Writing Essay -- English Writing Teache When I first encountered Paulo Freire’s work, I was struck with the hypocrisy of my own teaching. I had deluded myself into thinking, to a certain extent, that I was creating a democratic and equal space that was free from the influence of. It was a stark reminder last year when I encountered Richard Shaull’s introduction to Peter Freire’s The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. He writes, â€Å"There is no such things as a neutral educational process. Education either functions as an instrument that is used to facilitate the integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity to it, or it becomes the ‘practice of freedom,’ the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world† (Freire 16). Then, over the summer, as I delved into Lisa Delpit and Sonia Nieto’s work, I came face to face with the socio-econom ic reality of our education system, and how in some ways, I was not nearly as enlightened as I thought myself to be. According to Delpit, â€Å"Many liberal educators hold that the primary goal for education is for children to become autonomous, to develop fully who they are in the classroom setting without having arbitrary, outside standards forced upon them. This is a very reasonable goal for people whose children are already participants in the culture of power and who have already internalized its codes† (Delpit 28). I think that I fall into the category that Delpit discusses here. So many of my original assumptions about what I attempt to do in the classroom have been blown out of the proverbial water, and I am left with the question of what exactly am I doing in the classroom? I am specifically concerne... ... way in which I view grading my students’ essays. Despite the fact that I have found no clarity, perhaps it is the fact that I am still grappling with these issues, facing them on a daily level that keeps me an actively engaged teacher in the realm of teaching writing. Works Cited hooks, bell. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York, NY: Routledge, 1994. Delpit, Lisa. Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom. The New Press, 1995. Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York, NY: Continuum Press, 1970. Bartholomae, David. â€Å"Writing with Teachers: A Conversation with Peter Elbow.† Cross-Talk in CompTheory. National Council of Teachers of English, 1997. Elbow, Peter. â€Å"Being a Writer vs. Being and Academic: A Conflict in Goals.† Cross-Talk In CompTheory. National Council of Teachers of English, 1997.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Was the Use of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Truman’s Best Option to End World War Ii

The goal of the investigation is to determine whether the use of nuclear weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by U. S. President Truman was the best option to end World War II. The investigation will begin by researching other options available to President Truman, which were debated during the war. Then Truman’s options will be analysed for limitations, such as real-life practicality, as well as reliability of the source which presented the options.Some of the issues which will be examined in this investigation are why both the naval blockade and continued bombing was not an option and why the nuclear bomb was the logical choice over an invasion. Two sources that will be evaluated due to their large amount of usable information and relevant data are Hiroshima and Nagasaki-Fire from the Sky and an article from the Kemble Kollection found at http://www. mikekemble. com/ww2/downfall. html entitled Why America Was Right To Drop The Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima ; Nagasaki, both of which will be analyzed in part C for validity and limitations.Word Count: 173 Part B: Summary of Evidence The war for the United States has gone on for four years; public opinion was starting to decay. When the European theatre was still seeing bloodshed the average civilian could follow along because the locations of Europe were well known to the average American. The Pacific theatre was different in this regard; civilians had no concept of how or where the war was being fought, it is not a huge surprise it was a nuisance to the average person.However that’s not all, advertisers were marketing new and wondrous products that would come after the war ended, along with rationing and the increasing death toll that would reach over three hundred thousand lives before the war was done. With the recent defeat of the Nazis most of the world believed that the war was won; Japan would easily be shoved aside and the war was now a distant annoyance preventing soldiers from returning home and holding back new items from consumers.Because of the pressuring demands of public opinion, President Truman had to find a way to end the war, quickly and cleanly, or he would face the end of public support. Options such as a great naval siege of the Japanese main islands and continued bombing of Japanese cities were considered useless by American Generals, they thought of it as â€Å"choking, but not killing†. Preparations and planning begun on what would have been the largest invasion of all time, code named ‘Operation Downfall’ it would be an amphibious invasion of the Japanese islands involving millions of American soldiers and marines.The first invasion of Operation Downfall was named Operation Olympic and was chosen to arrive on the southern beach on the island Kyushu. However, a new report on enemy troop strength on the island, specifically the southern edge, indicated that the Japanese were quickly reinforcing the southern side of t he island and that troop strength increased from approximately eight thousand to over two hundred and six thousand. The Japanese had figured out what the American military was planning. To make matters worse the Japanese government ordered civilians to take up arms and to defend to the death.With these two issues arriving the estimated death toll arrived at up to a million. With these horrifying odds, the whole goal of Operation Downfall to produce a quick surrender was now even in debate, the fighting on the Japanese Islands may last a very long time. However with a naval siege or B-29 bombing possibly dragging on for years the invasion was still the only considered option. However even the land invasion could cause long term issues; if Japan wasn’t defeated quickly the Soviet Union may also invade setting up even more tension.Thankfully for the United States government, the Manhattan project succeeded in producing the world’s first nuclear bomb, and on August 6th 194 5 atomic bomb ‘Little Boy’ was dropped on Hiroshima. Over eighty thousand people died in the first few seconds, yet the Japanese still refused to surrender on American terms. It took a second nuclear bomb, ‘Fat Man’, being dropped on Nagasaki before they surrendered. Word Count 517 Part C: Evaluation of Sources The two sources of evidence to be critically examined are Hiroshima and Nagasaki-Fire from the Sky by Andrew Langley and The Kemble Kollection by Mike Kemble.Hiroshima and Nagasaki-Fire in the Sky is a novel of the events leading up to and repercussions that followed the dropping of the two nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Published in 2006, and written by accomplished historical author; Andrew Langley. One thing to note about Andrew Langley is that he specializes in writing children’s novels. Although that fact doesn’t compromise the truth behind the writings, it does however indicate that the novel is no t as in-depth as other sources could be, instead providing a broad overview of the events.However despite being oriented towards children it does not hold off on the cruel hard facts such as eighty thousand dead in the blast alone. Although the novel is considered a secondary source it does use real quotes from thoughts of the men dropping the bomb, people involved in making the bomb and from the people being bombed, as well as numerous real pictures. Andrew Langley, using the pictures and the narration makes it very clear that everyone involved with the bomb regretted it –a clear bias, which brings onto the topic of limitations.The novel seems more oriented to educate children on the horror of nuclear war, rather than to educate on the reasons why it was chosen. In fact it does not explore other possibilities that were considered by generals involved and by President Truman himself. The reader would come out of it believing that the only plan was to use the terrible bomb, wh en in reality it was almost not considered. The second source to be evaluated is the Kemble Kollection, here author of On a Sailors Grave (No Roses Grow); Mike Kemble writes about a large variety of different aspects to do with World War II.Mike Kemble makes it clear on his main page that his articles are ideal for education and referencing. The article of particular interest for this assignment is titled U. S. Plans to Invade Japan in World War 2. Why America Was Right to Drop the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima ; Nagasaki. In this article Mike Kemble details operation Downfall, Olympic and numerous other options that were considered by President Truman’s military advisors and generals at the time, as well as the inevitable result of using the atomic bomb. His site is very popular with over 1. 3 million views and all his articles include references to external sites and sources.One thing to question is who Mike Kemble actually is; his site does not mention anything about his crede ntials or any education he may have. Further research says he’s a retired ex-army NCO now working for Legion Security, part of the Royal British Legion. When it comes to limitations on his work, there are very few. Besides some form issues such as poor in-article referencing there really isn’t that much to say he covers most aspects of a topic and explains the reasons for the decisions made. One possible limitation for the particular article used is that most of the ources he references in his collection are not primary ones; however, it is not a huge issue. Word Count 545 Part D: Analysis President Truman, like all presidents, was bound by the demands of the public; they wanted a quick end to the war for numerous reasons. However that statement alone is not necessarily the case, an article for a newspaper written by Admiral William V. Pratt makes it clear that there was another option to invasion and the bomb, a simple navy war of attrition, one with few casualties th at will simply last longer a slow and steady sort of approach.Of course at this point there are clear lines as to who supports what, each branch of military supporting its own particular route to victory. Then there’s the bomb itself, today there is still debate as to whether it was the morally sound way of ending the war. Historian Ralph Raico (a senior scholar of the Mises Institute) argues the what-if scenario. He points to the fact that if the Nazis used an atomic bomb, and the allies still won, then the use of the weapon would be considered a war crime and the Nazis would be hanged –not that they weren’t already.That is undoubtedly true, however an article written by Matthew Seligmann (reader in history at the University of Northampton, and author of Does Peace Lead to War? ) for The Guardian argues the opposite, he states that Japanese controlled territory was suffering from starvation and that four hundred thousand Asians died each month, meaning that the use of the bomb was the morally right thing to do. For the invasion the range of casualties is extremely broad, anywhere between a million to two hundred thousand. Of course each number has its own uses especially if the three military branches were each striving to be the one that ended the war.Former army-man and author Mike Kemble argues that Japan’s population would have been able to survive a navy siege, using its farms and that the bombing could only damage the cities. His main support for this argument is that over half of Japan’s population was in rural areas and even within cities residents often had gardens for fruit and vegetables, often even wheat. With public support for the war slowly dying, Truman had to find a way to quickly end the war. Both a naval blockade and continued bombing were considered ineffective.The only viable solution besides the atomic bomb is the invasion; however with potential for a million casualties and the Soviet Union invading Ja pan, it would have simply not been fast enough. The end of the war was a question of speed, what would force the Japanese to quit, and what would do it the fastest. The fact that two of Japan’s cities had to be destroyed is further proof that carpet bombing, blockades or endless city combat would not have brought the war to a close. President Truman’s best option was to use the two atomic bombs; Fat Man, and Little Boy. Word Count 486 Part E: ConclusionTiming was key for President Truman; all the options presented to him would take too long to end the war and would only bring further complications. The only option he had was to use the two atomic bombs to force the surrender of Japan. Andrew Langley’s book Hiroshima and Nagasaki –Fire from the Sky, because it is directed at the younger audience, it provides an excellently summarized view of the events leading up to the droppings of the atomic bombs. Andrew Langley himself is a well experienced author with plenty of publications and the book from which this investigation takes evidence is filled with primary sources.The bias against the bombs is due to the nature the bombs played in the Cold War, not against the use of the bombs themselves. The Kemble Collection, by Mike Kemble goes in-depth at answering the whys of history, not documenting the flow of history itself but looking at the other options of the times. His work provided some of the greatest plethora of knowledge on the different options Truman faced, and despite the sources that Kemble uses being mostly secondary, his sources are plenty and well founded, and he makes a point of making it well referenced for the sake of education.List of Sourcesâ€Å"The Decision to Use the Bomb†, Book Mice. Net. December 2008.[online] http://www. bookmice. net/darkchilde/japan/atomic. html Seligmann, Matthew.â€Å"The alternatives to bombing Hiroshima were not morally superior†. Guardian. Friday 15 August 2008. Guardian News and Media Limited 2009.[online] www. Langley, Andrew. Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

NCSOFT Corporation Essay

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NCsoft had achieved massive success and brand recognition after it had launched its initial games like Lineage 1, Lineage 2 and Guild Wars. But since then the tastes of its customers had been gaining diversity, therefore, the company needed to look out for ways to fulfill the demand for its products. The company later also developed other products within its simple product portfolio to increase its customer base and also to expand its company to acquire chunks of market share. Play NC was also one of the products it had launched which gained little success, almost negligible. Since then, the company has been focusing on its key issues which were also considered by its CEO. The first issue related to maintain the top position of the company in the leading game market. For this, the company needs to expand, especially by acquiring new subsidiaries in other parts of the world where it had not previously marketed its products. The company’s second most important issue is to counterattack the global competition coming from the gaming industry and also other related industries, which might threaten NCsoft indirectly. The company needs to create customer oriented products that feature their personal lives, so that they are attached to the product and to the company itself. The company needs to formulate a globalization strategy. They need to increase its customer base. They also need to  diversify to increase the range of its offerings and by including elements that emotionally attach the customers to its products, NCsoft could fulfill its long term dream of becoming a leading player. CASE OVERVIEW NCSOFT, founded in March 1997, launched its first game with the name of Lineage in September 1998. Lineage, was Korea’s first role playing game. Although, NCsoft, began as a systems integration business, but soon it was transformed into a full game company. After the release of the first game, it gained a lot of success and was soon listed on the Korean Stock Exchange. Just after its creating in 1997, NCsoft was earning about KRW5.5 billion. It was only in 2007 that its revenues increased by 170 times and its people increase from just 17 to 16,000. This case presents us with a contribution of NCsoft in the Korean Gaming market. NCsoft had faced many challenges and was yet to face. Since the year 2000, the PC game market has declined by over 30%. Also the mobile game market began to experience declining growth rates. Apart from this the video game market experienced negative growth in the year 2004, due to economic stagnation. Nevertheless, the Korean game market started to show high annual growth rate of around 50%. By 2006, NCsoft had earned its 43% of its revenue from its overseas market. The company had an advantage of a first mover in the initial years of its operations in the gaming industry. However, this was no longer its first mover advantage. With the advent of new technologies, development of various profit models, diversification of accounting methods and building an online platform for online games, the company is now forced to reinvent new ways to reach the market. CASE QUESTIONS NCSOFT has a great growth potential both inside and outside of Korea. The president of the company is facing a number of issues. As the founder of the company, he wants to maintain a strong position in the Korean market. He wants to find out how to diversify into the global market in the area of, for example, casual games. He wants to deal with the negative perceptions that have been developed in the minds of many people regarding the side effects of playing online games. Also the company wants to formulate strategies to counter attack the competition that is coming from competitors developing digital-content online games. 1. MAINTAING ITS TOP POSITION NCsoft has achieved success in the gaming industry and maintained its number 1 position in the Korean market for a long period. It has released a variety of gaming services such as, Lineage 1 and 2, massively multiplayer online role-playing games, blade and sword and also other casual games. The company has developed globally and has grown in diversity within its customer base. The company had so far maintained its top position in the Korean gaming industry. However, it was still needed to raise the quality of its gaming services to meet the changing expectations of its people and also mitigate the competition coming from the global market. – value drivers? One of the ways for the company to maintain its top position was to occupy the niches in the game industry. For this, the organization needs to focus on its core capabilities and capitalize on them. So far the company had achieved success in the area of digital content company. The company needed to grow its business through the integration of wired and wireless networks to become a global online development and publishing company. Since its inception, NCsoft was differentiated in the perception of its games. They focused on, to make the lives of the customers more joyful and make them a part of their entertainment culture. The company needs to introduce new games into the market to further increase its market share. It is known that online games were going to create a nearly infinite potential because they were internet based. The company needs to further expand in this area by targeting niche markets. NCsoft also had the dream of becoming the worlds’ best digital content company and had three major mottos, â€Å"Fun, Creativity and Quality.† The company needs to expand but it also needs to formulate such strategies and positioning plans that prevent cannibalization of the company’s other successful products. It has been seen that a new market within the gaming industry has been emerging. This was the development of game portals for the people of 30 or above and also some other casual games which were very popular with the people from all the ages, including the  elders and the children. NCsoft can also target this area to maintain its brand image and top position not only in Korea but in the global market too. 2. MITIGATING THE WORLD COMPETITION NCsoft was now giving considerable attention to the emerging competition that was going to increase in the distant future. It was known that the future competition in the gaming industry, especially in the online games area would not be just dependent upon the games of other competitors. The competition was about providing the entertainment. People are beginning to search for games on the internet. Therefore, NCsoft needs to prepare itself for competition with other online companies, such as portals, communities and shopping malls. The online service of the company will not help the company survive in the future environment of the competition. The company needs to introduce more and more games to survive in the online environment, where users have a limited time to use the internet. The online games on the internet can be described in various forms. These will include all such content which provides entertainment to the customers. Most important along with this is that the company needs to launch such new games that will provide its customers the true perceived value. It could launch other products just like Lineage 1, Lineage 2 and the Guild Wars because of online games the customer was not just a customer but it is now considered as an asset. Therefore, the company needs to apply the Porter’s Five forces model to look at the emerging competition and analyze its position. The company should conduct this analysis when entering new markets. The company needs to examine the micro-environment as well as its macro-environment, before entering new markets. When the company has analyzed the new markets, especially the niche markets where it is planning to penetrate, they should expand on their core competencies and expertise and the areas where the company has achieved proficiency to create a competitive advantage and sustain it for the long term. NCsoft has always ruled the online game market in Korea, but since the Internet had appeared, most of the companies were transformed, to online gaming companies and first movers appeared in different fields. Everyone was looking for fully realizing the new market potential coming out of the online games. NCsoft  was also one of them. From all of this, NCsoft came to enjoy brand recognition in the year 2007. 3. DIVERSIFICATION OF ITS GAME OFFERINGS The company began in 1997 and since then the company has focused on adding new elements and updated when it first launched Lineage in 1998. The company has focused emphasis on the games as a work of art which was completed over several sessions of trimming and molding done through many hands. The main motive of NCsoft was not just to invest its capital in the business and generate a required rate of return on that investment, but the company always wanted to and had examined it’s all new games to identify what areas were falling short of the highest standard of quality. Since the beginning, the company has always been criticized for its dependence on the success of Lineage alone. Looking at its simple product portfolio, the goal of the company of becoming a global company in the game industry it does not match. Therefore, later NCsoft had diversified and had increased, a new product to its simple product portfolio. The name of this product was play NC. This product provided a number of games, but its performance was not good. But still NCsoft has been focusing on developing new products through most of its subsidiaries. Garret brothers have given NCsoft the title of becoming the next-generation online game. NCsoft needs to focus on diversifying its portfolio further. It needs to identify niche markets and penetrate its products in those markets. This would not only increase the market share of the company, but it would also give the company opportunity to become the most leading players in the game industry. The CEO of the company, T. J. Kim himself enjoyed playing games and he had also spent sleepless nights playing these games just like his own customers. This was all due to the hard work of developers of NCsoft. They always tried to put their complete efforts and souls into the development of the games which always was a NCsoft’s advantage. The company needs to use these elements and the element of aiming for perfection to leave its competitors behind and diversify into new overseas markets. NCsoft needs to now look further than just generating revenues. It should search for new avenues to diversify its games in order to cut the completion  and better monetize its products throughout the world. NCsoft needs to formulate a monetization strategy to create a new strategic advantage. It needs to create games that are more addictive. People should feel that the games have been developed keeping in mind their personal lives. The unpredictability of the gaming industry is the only reason why diversification should be on high on the game developer’s side. The company on the other hand needs to also search areas where its business has grown to the maximum potential. These are the areas from where the company can think of further diversification into different areas. Diversifying into new areas does not simply mean increasing the revenue for the whole business. It also means reducing costs by achieving economies of scale in the business. NCsoft can acquire new subsidiaries in different parts of the world where it wants to promote its most successful games. This could be done for all online games or internet based games. The company has a very good opportunity to diversify into the area of casual games. Casual games are basically a type of video games which could be played by a huge audience at the same time. The rules required to play these games are simple and are different from one another which distinguish these games from one another. These are simple games and not so much tough like the other hardcore games. These types of games normally play on the personal computers that have internet on them. But now these types of games are becoming popular on mobile phones and game consoles as well. 4. GLOBALIZATION OF NCSOFT’S PRODUCTS If we look at the gaming industry in Korea, it is always seen that active marketing of the online games in overseas country has always contributed to the development of the online game industry. This was also proved by the fact that a forecast showed that the export market share of online games would exceed 82% among all other export games that are sold overseas. This online game industry was further expected to develop in the areas of various profit models and diversification and accounting methods. These online games were then beginning to be exported to Japan. These online games occupied 80% of Korean game exports. So on with the use of its superior technology and wide range of offerings, NCsoft had grown into a global online game company. It had entered countries such as China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Europe and the United States. The most important thing to note about NCsoft’s globalization strategy is its speed. The company should adopt a different payment policy with regard to country to country, despite its domestic payment policy based on monthly charging fee scheme. NCsoft had promoted its first role playing game, Lineage, in the world market. It had signed a licensing contract with a Taiwanese based company names as Gamania. This game was then launched in Taiwan with the name of Tiantang. The company needs to also develop new product offerings and promote those products through other licensing contracts with other companies including Japan, China and America. It has been seen that the major contributor in the success of NCsoft, so far in its profitability is through its game Lineage 1 and Lineage 2. The company has other games that are not much successful in these markets. Therefore the company has the opportunity to win its foreign users’ hearts by differentiating its other games and updating their previous versions in these markets to win margins and create brand recognition. A large portion of the world market today is occupied by the arcade games industry, video games industry and also the console games industry. Although these industries, except the video games industry, are not a direct threat to the online games industry, but still they could become a very credible threat in the future when the console gets connected to the online games. Therefore, it is becoming more and more important for the online games industries to prepare strategies against the console game makers for the future and to also develop such content in their games so that they have a very strong hold of their future. Apart from this, Microsoft has established a center known as an online game innovation center in Korea. It has also announced that soon it would be investing in it about 100 million dollars and will be going to put extra efforts in the online game related  technologies. Therefore, the company needs to develop strategies for its future so that it could remedy its over-dependence on the heavy user based MMORPGs and also to pursue its globalization industry. The task of the personnel involved in the manufacturing of console games is ended when a game has been purchased and installed. The transaction ends here. However, the task of the personnel involved in the online game industry starts right here and this stage provides an opportunity for online game companies, like NCsoft, to provide customer oriented services with respect to each individual country and market characteristics. 5. DEALING WITH NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS & SIDE EFFECTS OF PLAYING ONLINE GAMES. The negative perceptions regarding playing games online could be dealt by counseling the parents of young children. They should be motivated by telling them about the positive effects that online games could bring to children, such as problem solving skills, logic, hand-eye coordination, spatial and fine motor skills, resource management, planning, logistics, multitasking and managing multiple objectives. Given all of these benefits the parents could be motivated and their wrong perceptions regarding playing online games could be easily removed. Also, they should be guided that excessive use of anything would surely be harmful, therefore, children as well as the adults should divide their time between leisure and other activities. CASE SUMMARY/CONCLUSION This case study presents us with the success story of NCsoft as the leading game company in the online game industry. The case focuses on how it emerged from Korea, as a systems integration business and becoming a full gaming company. It diversified its simple product line into a number of successful products after the release of Lineage 1 & Lineage 2. The company now wants to diversify its products further in other overseas markets. It is looking for niche markets to target them with its those games that have not gained much popularity in other markets. The company also will have to formulate a new globalization strategy to meet its long term goal of becoming the world’s leading game player and promote its brand. The company also needs to  formulate strategies to overcome the competition coming from other online game players. It will also need to deal with competition coming from console game and video game developers. Ncsoft needs to develop strategies and perform detailed five forces analysis before entering the new world markets. One of the areas where the company had the opportunity to develop and create its market is the area of digital media gaming. The company could occupy this segment of the market also. It could develop a variety of product offerings in this area and capture the sales of this segment to churn a bigger market share of the global gaming industry. The company also needs strategies and their immediate implementation to maintain its top position in the world market. The company can do so by making its games more thrilling, joyful and reality based. They should include such elements in their games that reflect the personal lives of the people. Finally, they should also give people complete guidance regarding the positivity created by playing these internet based games.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Social Construction of Gender essays

Social Construction of Gender essays Women have always been over shadowed by what it is believe to be the dominant sex (male). It is like is not enough with what women have to go through with the birth process, it is like been born with a disability, an inequality that the society have put on the shoulders of women. It is not a surprise to see a woman perform the same duties on the same job position of a man but at a much lower paid rate, the same apply to a female that goes in to the army or marine. They may get paid the same wage nowadays but with some limitation, you dont see a women commanding a platoon or been part of a special force team. and in the time of the world wars (1 and 2) the only roll women play was as a nurse or entertainer for the soldiers, and more shockingly as in the reading said they were latterly force to be feminine by making the ladies or female soldier to wear makeup, lipstick and eye shadow, they even attended classes in makeup, hair care, poise, and etiquette even though many female soldiers were tomboys. Thing that wasnt necessary in the battle field, they did it just to make the gender differences obvious. It is also interesting to see that when a women passes as a man it will get more recognition and increase her income, also men to women transsexuals tend to earn less after surgery if they change occupations. It is even worse if the woman is from a different social class, such as African American where not only women will have to deal with the machismo and gender preferences, but also with racism and other obstacles. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Book Review Life in Year One What the World was Like in First

Book Review Life in Year One What the World was Like in First Scott Korb is an author with a lot of interest in imaginative and factual history such that he is able to help the reader of the book â€Å"Life in year one: what the world was like in the first-century Palestine† visualize the exact position and situation at the indicated time during and immediately after the time of Jesus. It is clear that there were many notable characteristics and events that may be easily identified at that moment which, in actual sense, were a major symbol of the generation at that moment.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Book Review: Life in Year One: What the World was Like in First-Century Palestine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One thing that stands clearly though from the author is that he is totally unwilling to talk about Jesus Himself at that moment since his main focus is not on Him but on those who stayed around him, especially those not affiliated to Him and His works at al l. In fact, the author chooses to talk about the Palestinians, a community that was totally unacceptable to Jesus and which did not favor or even appreciate Him. They just saw Him as any other man. The book hence takes us through a tour of different issues such as the actual life for Palestinians during the time of Jesus, where people lived then, who the different people married as well as how they did it, what family life was like and how people survived, amongst other issues. It also lays a lot of focus on the Jews themselves with a very clear perspective since it looks at them from a third eye outside the circles of Jews instead of it looking from the inside, a thing that could probably have watered down the whole essence of the book (Korb 12-37). The main theme presented by the book is that of religion. The moment that the book is focusing on is the point of birth of the Christian religion, with its initiator being Jesus Christ Himself through His birth, works which many believe included many signs and wonders as well as His eventual death on the cross, a point at which many believe was the turning point and a beginning of the new religion. Religion is a strong and fundamental part of the society. Except for very few religious groups and cults which actually believe in other things, most people actually portray the normal trend in which human beings wish to belong. The desire for belonging as well as the fundamental rules for which the name of the book exists are a few of the factors for which the whole place has been desired or undertaken so as to act as the ultimate reminder of the people in that generation and more so at that moment (Korb 41-66). From evidence obtained, it is clear that the Jews used to uphold their religion with a lot of fear and uncertainty and to whatever levels irrespective of the expected rewards and challenges that arise due to the use of the book. Hence, it is impossible to separate the Jews from their religion since they were al ways ready and willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives, for the sake of the church and the whole Christian community.Advertising Looking for report on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another theme that really caught the attention of the reader during the reading of the book is the one on money and wealth. The society at the moment was subdivided into different levels of earning and wealth levels. The wealthy were treated with a lot of dignity and respect while the poor had it rough and had to keep on struggling in different areas of life such as acquiring of food, clothing, housing, basic education and medication. This is pretty similar to life today where there still is a large gap between the haves and the have-nots in Israel and Palestine (Korb 128-141). Another very notable character was the one involving the issues of sicknesses and diseases and how they were dealt with, espec ially in efforts to try and cure those who were sick. Most people believed in the sovereignty of God and that He was the main focus in issues of healing and cure of diseases and hence they basically believed that only by faith and through recognizing Christ could one receive true healing of their sicknesses. In addition, the book has laid a lot of emphasis on the way of life of the people in that generation. It is clear that the family life was organized in pretty the same way as today though there has been a lot of improves on the issues of marriage and the society. The governance was however at a crossroads since the country had been seized by the Romans who were ruling at that moment. The country was to see some darker days as it was tossed from leader to leader and from a leadership to another. The country hence was quite unstable until later on in life. The book hence offers clear eyesight into the society and the actual order of things during and immediately after Christ. It l ets us have an experience of those who were around Jesus and the way they moved on with life. Korb, Scott. Life in Year One: What the World was Like in First-Century Palestine. New York: Riverhead Hardcover, 2010.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Book Review: Life in Year One: What the World was Like in First-Century Palestine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Sunday, October 20, 2019

30 Words for Small Amounts

30 Words for Small Amounts 30 Words for Small Amounts 30 Words for Small Amounts By Mark Nichol Words that refer to small amounts or objects are frequently associated with specific idioms or a certain connotation. Here are many of those words included in sample phrasings that suggest the sense in which they are often used. 1. Bit: â€Å"a bit of a problem† 2. Crumb: â€Å"a crumb of self-respect† 3. Dab: â€Å"a dab of whipped cream† 4. Dash: â€Å"a dash of pepper† 5. Fleck: â€Å"a fleck of dirt† 6. Glimmer: â€Å"a glimmer of hope† 7. Hint: â€Å"a hint of cinnamon† 8. Iota: â€Å"an iota of sense† 9. Jot: â€Å"a jot of truth† 10. Lick: â€Å"a lick of sense† 11. Modicum: â€Å"a modicum of talent† 12. Morsel: â€Å"a morsel of cheese† 13. Nugget: â€Å"a nugget of wisdom† 14. Pinch: â€Å"a pinch of salt† 15. Scrap: â€Å"a scrap of food† 16. Scruple: â€Å"a scruple of suspicion† 17. Shadow: â€Å"a shadow of a doubt† 18. Shred: â€Å"a shred of evidence† 19. Sliver: â€Å"a sliver of sunlight† 20. Smatter(ing): â€Å"a smattering of laughter† 21. Smidgen (or smidge): â€Å"a smidgen of salt† 22. Snippet: â€Å"a snippet of the conversation† 23. Spot: â€Å"a spot of rain† 24. Sprinkling: â€Å"a sprinkling of action† 25. Strain: â€Å"a strain of weakness† 26. Streak: â€Å"a streak of cruelty† 27. Tidbit: â€Å"a tidbit of information† 28. Touch: â€Å"a touch of humor† 29. Trace: â€Å"a trace of incense† 30. Whisper: â€Å"a whisper of autumn† Some synonyms are seen only in negative connotations, such as â€Å"not worth a continental† (referring to the nearly worthless currency of the fledgling US government during the Revolutionary War) or â€Å"not worth peanuts.† Similar expressions include â€Å"I don’t care a whit† or â€Å"I don’t give a rap† (or â€Å"fig† or â€Å"hoot† or any of several other words) or â€Å"diddly-squat† or â€Å"I don’t know bupkes.† (Each of the latter two usages has several variant spellings.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How Many Tenses in English?Five Spelling Rules for "Silent Final E"5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Moral Development Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Moral Development Theory - Essay Example hn’s attack attracted a lot of media attention and Ronald, who was in charge of the warders welfare, ordered a raid in the prison cells in search of weapons and in the process some of the inmates were badly injured and some succumbed to their injuries. This move was applauded by most people as they believed this would make criminals learn to behave well and respect the prison warders. Kohlberg’s first stage of moral thought is obedience and punishment orientation, where a set of rules handed over by the authority should be obeyed unquestionably and failure to obey leads to punishment. This reasoning is evident in how Mary kept quiet for a prolonged period, while John took advantage of her for fear of the consequences. As an inmate, Mary was expected to obey the prison warder. In the second stage of thought, that is individualism and exchange, Mary may have put up with John’s abuse hoping that he will either put in a good word for her, which may facilitate state pardon or favor her in some way hoping her life would be bearable in prison. Stage three of moral thought is good interpersonal relationship; this is where one lives to the expectations of the family and community. Ronald who was in charge of the warders, on hearing the news that an inmate, had assaulted one of the warders even without trying to find out why, he opted to raid the prison cells in search of weapons in order to fulfill the expectations of the community. His action showed true concern for the prison warders who were at risk of being attacked by the inmates. Stage four of moral development, deals more with the social order (Crain, 1985). This has to do with the societal perspective or societal expectations. This is revealed when Ronald became brutal with the inmates in order to protect his image and that of the other prison warders; as he was expected to do by the society. The fifth stage of moral reasoning is about social contracts and individual rights. This reasoning is where

Shown in the instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Shown in the instruction - Essay Example Atoms link up to form molecules. These atoms might either be of the same element or of different elements. Depending on the characteristics of these atoms, molecular or ionic bonds are formed. The number of electrons present in each atom is what really determines the kind of bonds to be formed. Electronegativity is the tendency that an atom has to attract electrons in a chemical bond. An ionic bond is formed when the elements involved have significantly different electronegativity. This means that the probability of ionic bonds being formed is higher when the difference between the electronegativity of the two elements is greater. It is also important to note that electrons are lost and gained by atoms in order to obtain a stable electron configuration. The atom with lower electronegativity loses an electron to the one with higher electronegativity. The net charge of the atoms then becomes positive or negative due to the loss and gain of an electron respectively. The two atoms thus charged oppositely attract each other and this is an ionic bond formed. Atoms are then interconnected through attraction throughout a substance. Substances whose atoms are bonded in this way are termed as ionic. These substances have common characteristics although they might differ slightly due to factors such as the strength of the bond formed. Covalent bonds are formed when atoms share electrons forming molecules. Sharing of electrons depends on the orbitals among other properties. Quite a number of theories have been formulated to explain how covalent bonds are formed. Electrons are shared to obtain a stable electron configuration. Many molecules of this type then make up molecular substances. Molecular substances generally occur as gases, liquids or solids with low melting points. This is because the intermolecular forces of attractions are relatively weak. The

Friday, October 18, 2019

Latino dropouts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Latino dropouts - Essay Example In 2000, about 530,000 Hispanic 16- 19 year olds were classified as dropouts, a percentage of 21.1. However, many of these were recently arrived immigrants who had not been in the US education system. So the actual figure for drop out of the US schools is about 15%. In 2000 the Latino dropout rate was three times greater than for non-Hispanic whites. The percentage of Latinos completing higher education has also consistently lagged behind whites and African Americans. It is also important to consider that the rate of dropouts could change at any time since some students presently enrolled in high schools can drop out at any time, and some drop outs could obtain their GED at any time in the future. Several factors have been suggested to explain the high rate of dropouts. The major factor has been the language, but Adam (2003)2 describes how researcher Saenz breaks down the factors into â€Å"individual factors, family-related factors and the structural level†. The individual factors have to do with the student’s own academic expectations and performance, peer pressure, generational status and acculturation. But one big effect comes from lifestyle where they are forced to become adults too early in life either through early pregnancy or having to help with looking after younger siblings. The strongest family factor seems to be the socioeconomic status of the family since having the resources to navigate the system makes a difference to the success of the students. The economic context in which the students and the school reside can place a strain on the family to keep up. Also the connection between the family, school and culture is important. The language plays a big part in this connection. Other school practices such as tracking, grade retention and unequal treatment of minority students all are common causes of dropout. Jones and Bou-Waked (2007)3 add to the discussion of the part that language plays in the dropout crisis. They noted that about

The Power of Thinking or Feelings in Crest and Vaseline Advertisements Essay - 3

The Power of Thinking or Feelings in Crest and Vaseline Advertisements - Essay Example Vaseline persuasively uses pathos because of its emphasis on the word â€Å"feel,† so that the audience can â€Å"feel† its sincerity regarding the benefits of its product, and then it expounds on the scientific backup of these benefits to fully convince the audience that it is the best lotion in the market. The main positioning statement of the ad is â€Å"feels good, does well.† The statement is simple, but its meanings are varied. Vaseline uses the words â€Å"feel† and â€Å"good† to underline emotions. It is stating that its lotion feels good on the skin while providing emotional benefits too. Instead of just stressing its ingredients, it centers on the resulting â€Å"feelings,† which is related to â€Å"goodness.† Another impact of the feelings of goodness is having a good day. When people feel good, they tend to do well in school, work, and home. Feeling good starts the day with happiness and improves quality of life. After the short introduction on what the product makes consumers feel, a longer explanation is below it, where scientific words are added. The long paragraph stresses that the product is the â€Å"next generation† of Vaseline lotion, which suggests that it is current and not an â€Å"old† formula. The words â€Å"pure† and â€Å"natural† make Vaseline a â€Å"natural† product, even when it has chemicals too. The main goal is to relate Vaseline with the goodness of â€Å"Nature,† but one that is scientifically tested and perfected. The words â€Å"new formula† and â€Å"infuse moisture deep down† accentuate that the product is the latest tested formula that goes beyond other usual lotions. The â€Å"rich feel and glowing skin† is a suitable end, since many consumers want their skin feeling smooth and looking young and fresh.o reinforce its sincerity further, another strategy of Vaseline is its â€Å"Money Back Guarantee.† T he ad has a blue stamp, a stamp that symbolizes something assured and permanent.     

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class Assignment

Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class - Assignment Example About five percent are reading below grade level and approximately 10 percent are reading above their grade level; there are a few children with diagnosed learning disabilities who have been mainstreamed. There are three fourth grade classes that will join together for the unit on history and we have chosen to study World War II with special emphasis on the Holocaust. The curriculum will work to make the events of the Holocaust relevant to the children. 1. Type of Curriculum Harriet Sepinwall states that John Goodlad created five types of curricula that are suitable for teaching fourth graders about the Holocaust. The five curricula are: ideal, formal, perceived, operational and experimental. The operational design is what has been chosen for this educational plan. The operational classroom speaks to the function of the classroom and what is actually being done. The curriculum is â€Å"defined and assessed by lesson plans, observational reports, and videotapes of instructional situa tions† (Sepinwall 4). By using this type of curriculum it will allow students to be immersed in the Holocaust in order to make it more relevant to them. Activities will include reading, drawing, group work and group reading. 2. Goals for the Curriculum We were able to purchase 51 books about World War II and/or the Holocaust. The objective of our program is to use the story of the Holocaust to teach about tolerance, respect for differences, and to help children understand prejudice. Some of our goals include: 1. Students will read books that include the feelings and emotions of children and adults who experienced the Holocaust. 2. To talk about the Holocaust and WWII as they pertain to prejudice and people who were different. 3. To help children identify situations today that are similar to what the Jews experienced during that time. 4. To discuss how children in school are treated and mistreated and talk about what could be done about those children who are mistreated. 3. Act ivities Because we will have four classes coming together to learn about this time in history, we have planned both online and offline activities. As an example, we will start by talking to students about the Holocaust and what it was and how it fit into World War II. Children will read several stories during the course of two weeks from our new library of books and they will present short reports about what they read. We will discuss the information presented in terms of what happens today in similar situations. We will create literature circles so that children can talk about these experiences and they will learn about the Jewish experience and gain more knowledge about WWII and how it is relevant to the Holocaust. We will have the children look at a world map and find where these activities took place. Children will also talk about Hitler and how he came to power and how he lost. Another topic that will come up will be freedom. We will talk about freedom and how we experience fre edom today and what would happen if those freedoms were taken away. Although we would like to take the children to the Holocaust Museum, we are not sure whether this will be a possibility with the school’s budget. An alternative plan is to take them to the museum website because there is a lot of information to read and discuss. We can also take the children on a virtual tour of the Anne Frank house with important information about what happened there (one of the books we

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business ethics - Essay Example Key Issues in the Case Evaluating on Rational Grounds The issue highlighted in the case ignites several other issues, all which are significant to consider in the business environment. Richard Smart, who is currently serving as the CEO of the company has taken the company to a new height. Because of his contributions in company’s growth and success, he is admired by the board of directors and stakeholders of the company. However, the basis on which he was appointed on the seat of CEO was nullified, when the truth was unleashed about false information of his degree from the Harvard University. This explains that he was actually not the deserving applicant, but was selected by misguiding the company about his true qualifications. Another factor that can be assumed on this basis that there might be other lies he had told to the board members to get the position. Therefore, the entire image of Richard Smart is now in serious doubts. The standing dilemma is that the company is doin g good business in his supervision and expelling him would affect the market position of the company. However, the decision on this issue is not limited to the direct success or collapse of the company alone, and there are other factors too that are crucial in ensuring smooth work flow in the company. Among these factors, the concern and issues from stakeholders are of significance importance. Issues that can arise from employees, customers and stockholders have to be evaluated in the decision process. The truth, that the CEO has shown false education document, cannot be kept hidden for long, and would raise doubts in stack holders about the management system of the company when they will learn about this truth (Weiss, 2009). Presenting false documents in the business world is considered an ethical crime and there are definite set of rules for such criminals. When investors will come to know that they have been dealing with a fraud CEO or ‘criminal’ to be precise, their relations and motivation in investing in the company would certainly be lower down (Weiss, 2009). This can directly affect the productivity and market standing of the company, which is against the interest of every individual associated with the company. Moreover, when this issue will come in the knowledge of company’s employees, their trust and respect level for company’s leadership would certainly be decreased. On the other side, replacing the current CEO with a new one will also result in the same thing, as a black spot on company’s supervision and management will remain in the minds of employees (Weiss, 2009). Another critical element is the pressure exerted by the government or general stock holders. Stock holders would certainly pressurize the board of directors to bury the issue from media and customers. Once the image of the company is damaged in front of their customers, it is very hard to regain that reputation (Weiss, 2009). However, if any of the co mpetitor companies got to know that Super Software has built false reputation in the market with a fraud CEO, it can bring reveal this in a press conference. This might lead the company in paying heavy penalties to the government and losing customer loyalty as well. The worst scenario would be when the government is involved in the matter as this could bring the toughest time for the company in defending the reason for hiding the truth. The only way to avoid this happening is to think of a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class Assignment

Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class - Assignment Example About five percent are reading below grade level and approximately 10 percent are reading above their grade level; there are a few children with diagnosed learning disabilities who have been mainstreamed. There are three fourth grade classes that will join together for the unit on history and we have chosen to study World War II with special emphasis on the Holocaust. The curriculum will work to make the events of the Holocaust relevant to the children. 1. Type of Curriculum Harriet Sepinwall states that John Goodlad created five types of curricula that are suitable for teaching fourth graders about the Holocaust. The five curricula are: ideal, formal, perceived, operational and experimental. The operational design is what has been chosen for this educational plan. The operational classroom speaks to the function of the classroom and what is actually being done. The curriculum is â€Å"defined and assessed by lesson plans, observational reports, and videotapes of instructional situa tions† (Sepinwall 4). By using this type of curriculum it will allow students to be immersed in the Holocaust in order to make it more relevant to them. Activities will include reading, drawing, group work and group reading. 2. Goals for the Curriculum We were able to purchase 51 books about World War II and/or the Holocaust. The objective of our program is to use the story of the Holocaust to teach about tolerance, respect for differences, and to help children understand prejudice. Some of our goals include: 1. Students will read books that include the feelings and emotions of children and adults who experienced the Holocaust. 2. To talk about the Holocaust and WWII as they pertain to prejudice and people who were different. 3. To help children identify situations today that are similar to what the Jews experienced during that time. 4. To discuss how children in school are treated and mistreated and talk about what could be done about those children who are mistreated. 3. Act ivities Because we will have four classes coming together to learn about this time in history, we have planned both online and offline activities. As an example, we will start by talking to students about the Holocaust and what it was and how it fit into World War II. Children will read several stories during the course of two weeks from our new library of books and they will present short reports about what they read. We will discuss the information presented in terms of what happens today in similar situations. We will create literature circles so that children can talk about these experiences and they will learn about the Jewish experience and gain more knowledge about WWII and how it is relevant to the Holocaust. We will have the children look at a world map and find where these activities took place. Children will also talk about Hitler and how he came to power and how he lost. Another topic that will come up will be freedom. We will talk about freedom and how we experience fre edom today and what would happen if those freedoms were taken away. Although we would like to take the children to the Holocaust Museum, we are not sure whether this will be a possibility with the school’s budget. An alternative plan is to take them to the museum website because there is a lot of information to read and discuss. We can also take the children on a virtual tour of the Anne Frank house with important information about what happened there (one of the books we

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project - Research Paper Example They varied from tribe to tribe because of variation in design and materials used. The moccasins were mainly of two types; hard soled and soft soled moccasins. The moccasins were also decorated differently depending on the tribe that made them. A deep study of historical development of American dressing provides not only a colorful, but also a charming adventure into the past. To fully appreciate as well as enjoy this experience, some information about the dressing codes in addition to primitive life of people that resided in America will be expounded. Emphasis will be placed on the contributions of each people to the historical dressing in America. In addressing this, the paper will provide information on the contributions of the Indians to the development of American dress. Some Indian costumes will be used in providing information about the variety of design and materials. Thus, it worth noting and giving the Indian arts the recognition they deserve (Howell, 2010). For instance, it is evident that the history of American clothing cannot be complete without speaking of the Indian feather headdresses and moccasins. Feather mantles like the one worn by Tascalusa, chief of the Mobile tribe in early 1540, were made by Native Americans. These garments were also referred to as matchcoats, a word derived from Algonkian word, matshigode that meant cloak or mantle (Condra, 2013). Feather matchcoats used to be worn by both women and men during warm weather as a sign of social status. The matchcoats were made by â€Å"weaving feathers into a fiber net† (Condra, 2013, p.3). Turkey, swan, as well as duck feathers, could be used in making the mantle. In some areas, people weaved the heads of mallard ducks into the mantles. The mantles that were made from these materials were not only lightweight, but also warm and very beautiful (Condra, 2013). In relation to this, leaders of the Southern Indians wore distinctive feather headdresses like crowns

Monday, October 14, 2019

Stress and Burnout Essay Example for Free

Stress and Burnout Essay Companies and organizations deal with issues in their business life cycle. All companies share the same issues, successes, and dilemmas, but one of the issues that seem to be more prevalent in high-stress jobs, such as sales or other fast-paced jobs, is that of stress and the burnout associated with it. Stress is something that affects different employees in different ways, from getting depressed to not eating and can be detrimental to their well-being and to the company also. Companies are also affected negatively with how employees perform, the rise of absenteeism is higher and the work performance takes a huge dip financially and with negative outcomes. There are many things that can be done to try and assist with this issue and try and help employees. How does stress and burnout come to happen? Many times individuals are placed into different types of roles in their company or organization that they work at and that sometimes comes with different jobs that need to be completed by a certain date or they are placed in an environment that is just stressful for them. Individuals can find stress in many things in their daily lives. It can be the individuals you work with, the daily traffic in the morning or after work, the manager or director that heads your department, and also the relationships you have with co-workers, to name a few. The unfortunate result from dealing with these stressors is how it affects the individual and those around him or her. They can be depressed, angry all the time, full of anxiety and those sometimes translate to physical changes also, like weight gain or loss and other issues that may arise from this. Companies eventually are greatly affected by this also because they deal with these employees and their work on a daily basis. Healthcare for those employees also goes up, which means that the companies will tend to spend more on individuals which are not healthy as supposed to those that feel better and are well-off. â€Å"A study of 46,000 employees concluded that health-care costs of high-stress workers were 46% higher than were those of their less-stressed coworkers†(Dessler, p. 309, 2011). As previously stated, many type of jobs or careers are more prone to stress and burnout. Everyone usually tries and associate successful, high paying jobs with stress, like someone working in a high-paced market like the stock market or sales. Although any type of job can be stressful, from being a teacher to working in healthcare, there have been studies of how some healthcare fields are more stressful than other, such as working a social work environment as supposed to a pediatrician. Social work tends to involve those works in certain situations that can weight a lot on individuals. â€Å"Such empirical research as is available suggests that social workers may experience higher levels of stress and resulting burnout than comparable occupational groups. † (Lloyd, King, and Chenowth, p. 1, 2002) One of the trickiest issues with identifying stressors is to actually see what it is that if affecting certain individuals, it can be tough to pinpoint an exact issue and try to fix it as soon as possible. Burnout stems from being stressed out to the point where the individual feels like he has no strength anymore, both physical and emotional from always working too hard and striving to do the best and it eventually catching up to those individuals and they shutting down. Unlike stress, where it can affect someone immediately, when someone burns out, it happens gradually over time, things building up and stacking more and more upon the last thing. It eventually will hit the individuals, even though to get to that point is gradual, people shut down suddenly. It is most seen in high-stress jobs and companies involved in such industries will look out for signs to not let individuals fall through that issue. Companies and organizations are trying to find ways in order to deal with these issues because it helps the employees feel better, it provides a more positive outcome for the company and the employees, and healthcare cost can go down because of this. Companies have started implementing different things for employees to help assist with stress and burnout prevention. There are many things companies can do to assist, from providing on-site gyms to help relieve some stress to providing workshops on teaching individuals how to work around stress and burn out and make sure that they are taking care of themselves. Specialist and other say that it is easier to prevent burnout and stress than to come back from it cleanly. Stress-related work leaves comprised 49% of all disability claims in 1999, twice the number recorded a decade earlier† (Elizabeth, p. 2, 2002). There are many ways to be able to assist in preventing burnout and stress. Like previously stated, companies provide many things to be able to make sure that the employees are the main priority in making sure that they are healthy, physically and emotionally, because this eventually translates into good performance in the work environment. Workshops are also held to be able to assist individuals on helping them organize their lives better and implementing things like exercise, building better relationships at work, and other things to help alleviate the stress of the daily life and prevent burnout from happening. Companies have to deal with their employees to make sure that they do not go through any issues, because they are identifying those issues that affect them and understand that the employee is the main component of any company. It saves money, helps with employees feeling better about themselves and ultimately it produces good things for the company as a whole.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Job Discrimination Essay -- Discrimination is Wrong

In some way or another we have all experienced discrimination not only through race but also sex, a disability, religion and so on. How can we determine if discrimination is right in areas other than race? If we define discrimination from the Webster’s dictionary it can be the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs. In my opinion I would simply say that â€Å"you can’t judge a book by its cover† and that is what we tend to do when we face discrimination. The Federal Equal Opportunity Laws are the enforcers of such discriminations people face on a daily job. Whenever employees encounter a problem with discrimination the EEO laws are their as protection for their rights in the workplace.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws are like the book of psalms in your bible, daily laws to live by. Under the title VII, the ADA, and the ADEA, it is illegal to participate in any discrimination when dealing with employment. For instance, hiring and firing, recruitment, testing and transfer, promotion, lay off, or recall. Which employers are responsible for making employees aware of the rights under the EEOC? Under the title VII it explains that it is not only intentional discrimination, but also discrimination against color, sex, religion, race, and national origin. When describing National Origin Discrimination it is discriminating against people because of their ancestry, birthplace and culture. National origin an employer has the right to request proper form of Identification or something that let’s them know that they are legal citizens; and this is supported by the IRCA. Dealing with Religious Accommodation discrimination that the employer has the right to ask his boss for permission to accommodate his religious belief. For instance, if the employee is practicing the Muslim religion, and he is required to pray in certain areas at certain times, he needs to make sure that when he practices his daily religious belief that it does not affect other employees. Sex discrimination would fall under title VII, which can range from sexual harassment can stem from sexual favors from the same or opposite sex. For pregnant women they should be treated the same way any ill person would be treated. Next, Age Discriminati... ...specific agent the â€Å"Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) they make sure that the party that is being charged is under both federal and state law. Once the charge has been filed they contact the employer and there are several ways they can go about the incident. For instance, interviews, review documents, and maybe visit the incident where it happened. In these cases mentioned above when discrimination is present these are things that may occur: back pay, hiring, promotion, reinstatement, front pay and reasonable accommodation; it may also include attorneys’ fees, and court costs. As I researched this topic, I read a passage in the book Sex Discrimination in the legal Profession, that women in the early 1980’s and 1990’s who were lawyers were getting paid less than a man in the same profession; yes female lawyers are among the most highly educated women on earth now is that equal. Well I think by now we should know whether this topic is a federal or state law? Yes it is a federal law. In order for job discrimination to decrease we must learn how to treat people equal regardless of the color of their skin or their race, or any other discrimination we face in day-to-day life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Love Despite Dominance in Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel and The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico Garcia Lorca :: Compare and Contrast

Literature often words complex phenomena, which otherwise possibly remain ignored. One example of such complex phenomena is the coexistence of two contradictory elements, dominance and love. Dominant personalities in Like Water for Chocolate and The House of Bernarda Alba, Mama Elena and Bernarda Alba respectively, do not explicitly display love towards their daughters, but it is revealed by their behaviour and uncharacteristic actions. Some elements of characterization or narrative mode in both the works try to limit the reader’s perception of the dominant personalities to their static characteristics. In Like Water for Chocolate, we are told the story from a limited subjective third person point of view. Tita’s grandniece is a limited narrator, who knows absolutely everything about a single character of Tita and every piece of knowledge in that character's mind, but it is ‘limited’ to that character – that is, things unknown to the focal character (Tita) are not described. So, this point of view may be considered unreliable. The presence of Tita’s hatred towards Mama Elena almost throughout the book, and the portrayal of Mama Elena as a ‘haunting’ character as a ghost, also contribute to limited perspective of the work. We are presented with only one static feature of Mama Elena. In The House of Bernarda Alba, even though the use of dialogue broadens the range the perspectives, Bernarda’s dialogue compared to that of others is limited. The fact that there is no soliloquy with Bernarda can imply a limitation to the perspectives open to the reader. We are shown only the dominant side of Bernarda’s character. The hatred of Poncia, who is one of the few characters shown from different perspectives, towards Bernarda can also be considered as a limiting factor of the perspectives. Thus, the reader’s perception is narrowed down. While Mama Elena and Bernarda Alba are seen as tyrants from a rather narrow perspective, they can otherwise be seen as traditionalist mothers. From this fresh perspective, it could be argued that Mama Elena is nothing more than an orthodox mother who assorted to cruel methods including corporal punishment to mould her children in her own best way. From Mama Elena’s perspective, she makes choices that are, as she â€Å"[thinks] best for [them]† (p. 167). This perspective is particularly relevant to the upbringing of Tita: â€Å"Magi never brought [Tita] what she asked for, but instead what Mama Elena thought best for her.† (p. 167) Mama Elena’s character as a traditionalist mother is further revealed from specific incidents: providing Tita something â€Å"better† than Three King’s Day Bread, forcing Tita to re-sew her stitches because she did not baste it (p.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Christmas Project: Interviewing Santa Claus

I would guess our deal of 10 tons of cookies still counts? R: Absolutely! Fifty trucks from Centuries News Delivery are parking right in your enormous front yard. SC (laugh): Now that's what I want to hear. According to our deal, you get your five minutes. Hurry up because the spell wears away quickly. R: Right into our first question from 9-year-old Mr.. Augustine. Santa Claus, how do you know we are naughty or nice for the whole year when you only come to see us for one night on Christmas Eve? SC: (Its supposed to be a secret, but since we have a deal I will share it with you, only you though. All y little elves who work for me, only a few are making presents now because everything is easily made by machine. In the old time, say before 2050, I have to make them work overtime on the days before Christmas. They spy the children for about a week and talk with the children's parents to figure out if they are naughty or nice. I believe children are mostly nice in the bottom of their hea rts because they are born with love, and they are not contaminated by the world. That's why I linger my eyes on the â€Å"naughty† kids for a little bit longer, and can always find their little hearts lit with love.Nowadays, since aging presents doesn't need the elves any more, I send them to each house all year round to watch the children, and of course to help them to be good in various ways. They are invisible under my spell, but on Christmas Eve I need to use the magic power to send gifts to children, so the magic power disappears and they become visible again. So, if you see a little elf running away from your house on Christmas Eve, don't fret and try to say hello to him. R: Oh my world! You'd better watch out, because there are invisible elves living in your house! SC (wink): That's right. I always have my eyes on you.R: Our next question is from 7-year-old Mr.. Chris. It's also a question from all of us. How do you make the reindeer fly? SC: Now this is a hard questio n. My reindeer only fly on Christmas Eve. Their magic power does not just pop out. The truth is, all the power that is stored throughout the year is used on Christmas Eve to deliver presents. Normally, I cannot fly up the chimneys, carry all those presents or drive a flying sleigh. The power Of love, kindness, goodness and faith on me from each family all over the world gathers in their chimneys and goes through the factory to power the machine.The rest of the power goes into my reindeer so we can fly on Christmas Eve together. R: How fascinating! The present factory is not powered by some special magic or the elves, but love. SC: Oh, yes. Love is the most beautiful and powerful magic in this world. The more love in this world, the more presents can be produced, and the more hearts will receive warmth and joy. (smile) R: Here's my last question from 5-year-old Miss. Jimmie, and this is also a question have been wondering myself. Santa Claus, how old are you? Do you have any family w ho love you and live with you?SC Lowly laughter): Such a sweet little girl! Of course you too. I existed since the year 280 in Turkey. Since then, I am favored in Holland, Switzerland, Germany, and many other places in Europe. I was not popular in America until Washington Irving and Clement Moore introduced me in the asses. Thus, am more than 1700 years old, but my memory gets vague for things a thousand years ago. As for my family, I exist because there are all those children who love me and believe in me. They ARE my family, and don't need any more than that. Besides, have all my little elves and nine reminders who live with me.I am much loved and very happy. You don't need to worry about me. Ifs my job to bring joy to all of you. R: Thank you very much, Santa Claus. It was a wonderful time talking to you, but our time is about to end. At the end of the interview, do you have anything to say to our little audience all over the world who are watching us? SC (joyfully): To all the c hildren in this world a happy new year and a good night! Be good this year and I will come to you again (wink). See you all on Christmas Eve! (wave) carry all those presents or drive a flying sleigh.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Maddness and sanity are seen to be universally known opposites. They are as different as two things can get. They are generally seen to be balancing forces such as light vs. Dark, yin vs. Yang, and so on. In the Baccae, Pentheus represents sanity, while Dionysus represents maddness. However, Euriprides portrays the struggle between maddness and sanity as one sided, rather than an even battle. Through out The Baccae, Euriprides hints at maddness being the ultimately dominant force in the battle between the two.Various events in the Baccae show that Euriprides believes hat the battle between sanity and maddness is always in favor of the side of maddness, showing that maddness will always win in the end. In the Baccae, the seer Tiresias chastises Pentheus for not honoring Dionysus. Pentheus has been arguing that all the new god's rituals are crazy, and he does not want them allowed in his city, to which Tiresias responds; â€Å"There is no cure for madness when the cure itself is mad. † (22). Tiresias is trying to tell Pentheus that him that denying the madness that Dionysus brings is itself a crazy idea.Pentheus epresents sanity and order, and he is trying to keep his city from falling into the hands of the maddness that follows Dionysus. But no matter how hard he tries, the struggle is between a god and a mortal. There is no way for Pentheus to win. This is Euripides showing that it is basically futile to fght maddness, and that ultimately, we have no choice in the matter. Maddness is so dominant over sanity, that we it is a waste of effort, and things would be much easier if we simply succumbed to maddness.Speculating on the effect that Dionysus has brought with his presence, Pentheus ays; â€Å"So, like a wildfire it already hurries here, outrageously, this mass hysteria, disgracing us before the whole of Thebes. † (121) No matter how much Pentheus did to prevent madness from enveloping his city and his entire life, the power of madness is Just t oo strong. This quote shows the overwhelming power that madness has. No where in the Baccae does euripides show the awesome power that Pentheus, or sanity holds.Euripedes is again showing that madness is far more powerful than sanity. Although madness can be held off for a while, like the simile to the wildfire, ltimately, the wildfire that is madness will envelope that which it inhabits. The chorus sings; â€Å"Slowly but surely divine power moves to annul the brutally minded man who in his wild delusions refuses to reverence the gods. † (173)This is the Chorus alluding that to deny the gods is madness. This is an example that isn't an event of the story, but comes from the chorus, who arent involved at all with what takes place. his is evidence which shows us that Euripides really is trying to show how maddness is dominant, not Just through the events that take place in the Baccae. Euripes is really trying to show the overwhelming power that maddness wields. The very fact t hat the people telling us this worship a god who induces madness as a hobby is Euripedes reinforcing the idea that no matter what you do in the world of The Bacchae, or in life, maddness ultimately dominates.The messenger comes back to recount on what ne nas was toaming at the mouth Her eyes dilated rolled. Her mind was gone–possessed by Bacchus–she could not hear her son. (225) The natural instinct of a mother is to protect and care for her offspring. That is what her natural, maternal instincts consist of. The wellbeing of her offspring is any mother's natural, sane goal. So the fact that the maddness that Dionysus brings could make Agave rip her own son to shreds shows that maddness prevails over the sanity that Agave had. Agave was not known to be a particularly unstable character, so the fact that dionysius could drive her to commit such a terrible act to her own offspring leaves little hope for sanity prevail in the fght.Euripedes uses such a terrible and gruesom e example to show that madness is a terrible and owerful force. Euripedes is showing us a metaphore, where sanity is represented by Pentheus, and he is torn apart by the maddness that has taken his own mother. This is a terrifying way for Euripedes to show the imbalance between the two forces. After Pentheus tries to chain and torture Dionysus, The god tries to persuade Pentheus to change his mind. However Pentheus resists the persuasive power of the god. â€Å"l don't think so. You're setting me up for your tricks again. (984) This shows that maddness can be fought. Pentheus is remaining strong, and fghts bending to the will of Dionysus. There is power in sanity, and it can be used to battle madness. But this is Just Euripedes showing that sanity is not completely defenseless. It is not him showing that sanity can defeat madness in the end. Maddness can be battled, but it can never be defeated. This is showing that no matter how drawn out the battle with madness can be, the end re sult will always be madness dominating. Euripedes's outlook on the battle between sanity and madness is a bleak one.Tragedies are not supposed to be happy ending type of stories. Although Euripedes is saying that maddness will ultimately triumph over sanity, not everyone is confronted with that battle. Madness is not present in the lives of all living things. Euripides is saying that if madness presents itself, it will ultimately consume that which is puts itself upon. This is still a very bleak outlook on things, however it is only what Euripides is conveying through the Baccae. He may not even believe this, and if he does, there is no reason to believe he is correct. Madness Maddness and sanity are seen to be universally known opposites. They are as different as two things can get. They are generally seen to be balancing forces such as light vs. Dark, yin vs. Yang, and so on. In the Baccae, Pentheus represents sanity, while Dionysus represents maddness. However, Euriprides portrays the struggle between maddness and sanity as one sided, rather than an even battle. Through out The Baccae, Euriprides hints at maddness being the ultimately dominant force in the battle between the two.Various events in the Baccae show that Euriprides believes hat the battle between sanity and maddness is always in favor of the side of maddness, showing that maddness will always win in the end. In the Baccae, the seer Tiresias chastises Pentheus for not honoring Dionysus. Pentheus has been arguing that all the new god's rituals are crazy, and he does not want them allowed in his city, to which Tiresias responds; â€Å"There is no cure for madness when the cure itself is mad. † (22). Tiresias is trying to tell Pentheus that him that denying the madness that Dionysus brings is itself a crazy idea.Pentheus epresents sanity and order, and he is trying to keep his city from falling into the hands of the maddness that follows Dionysus. But no matter how hard he tries, the struggle is between a god and a mortal. There is no way for Pentheus to win. This is Euripides showing that it is basically futile to fght maddness, and that ultimately, we have no choice in the matter. Maddness is so dominant over sanity, that we it is a waste of effort, and things would be much easier if we simply succumbed to maddness.Speculating on the effect that Dionysus has brought with his presence, Pentheus ays; â€Å"So, like a wildfire it already hurries here, outrageously, this mass hysteria, disgracing us before the whole of Thebes. † (121) No matter how much Pentheus did to prevent madness from enveloping his city and his entire life, the power of madness is Just t oo strong. This quote shows the overwhelming power that madness has. No where in the Baccae does euripides show the awesome power that Pentheus, or sanity holds.Euripedes is again showing that madness is far more powerful than sanity. Although madness can be held off for a while, like the simile to the wildfire, ltimately, the wildfire that is madness will envelope that which it inhabits. The chorus sings; â€Å"Slowly but surely divine power moves to annul the brutally minded man who in his wild delusions refuses to reverence the gods. † (173)This is the Chorus alluding that to deny the gods is madness. This is an example that isn't an event of the story, but comes from the chorus, who arent involved at all with what takes place. his is evidence which shows us that Euripides really is trying to show how maddness is dominant, not Just through the events that take place in the Baccae. Euripes is really trying to show the overwhelming power that maddness wields. The very fact t hat the people telling us this worship a god who induces madness as a hobby is Euripedes reinforcing the idea that no matter what you do in the world of The Bacchae, or in life, maddness ultimately dominates.The messenger comes back to recount on what ne nas was toaming at the mouth Her eyes dilated rolled. Her mind was gone–possessed by Bacchus–she could not hear her son. (225) The natural instinct of a mother is to protect and care for her offspring. That is what her natural, maternal instincts consist of. The wellbeing of her offspring is any mother's natural, sane goal. So the fact that the maddness that Dionysus brings could make Agave rip her own son to shreds shows that maddness prevails over the sanity that Agave had. Agave was not known to be a particularly unstable character, so the fact that dionysius could drive her to commit such a terrible act to her own offspring leaves little hope for sanity prevail in the fght.Euripedes uses such a terrible and gruesom e example to show that madness is a terrible and owerful force. Euripedes is showing us a metaphore, where sanity is represented by Pentheus, and he is torn apart by the maddness that has taken his own mother. This is a terrifying way for Euripedes to show the imbalance between the two forces. After Pentheus tries to chain and torture Dionysus, The god tries to persuade Pentheus to change his mind. However Pentheus resists the persuasive power of the god. â€Å"l don't think so. You're setting me up for your tricks again. (984) This shows that maddness can be fought. Pentheus is remaining strong, and fghts bending to the will of Dionysus. There is power in sanity, and it can be used to battle madness. But this is Just Euripedes showing that sanity is not completely defenseless. It is not him showing that sanity can defeat madness in the end. Maddness can be battled, but it can never be defeated. This is showing that no matter how drawn out the battle with madness can be, the end re sult will always be madness dominating. Euripedes's outlook on the battle between sanity and madness is a bleak one.Tragedies are not supposed to be happy ending type of stories. Although Euripedes is saying that maddness will ultimately triumph over sanity, not everyone is confronted with that battle. Madness is not present in the lives of all living things. Euripides is saying that if madness presents itself, it will ultimately consume that which is puts itself upon. This is still a very bleak outlook on things, however it is only what Euripides is conveying through the Baccae. He may not even believe this, and if he does, there is no reason to believe he is correct.