Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Effectiveness of Retention Strategies in Abu Dhabi
Question: Discuss about the Report for Effectiveness of Retention Strategies in Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (Adnec). Answer: Overview The report published in the previous article states that Abu Dhabi National Exhibition company in 2014 has managed to attain 50% of the Emiratisation in its total workforce. In the circumstance of the present subject, Sale (2015) mentioned that the organisation had increased the employee retention ratio by 44% from the previous year. The management of the enterprise claimed to increase its retention ratio by 51%. The organisation has nurtured its future Emirati business leaders to increase the efficacy of the internal resources. The specific scenario has facilitated the organisation to retain total 103 Emiratis, out of which 45% are the women employees (Younge and Marx, 2015). The current statistics reflect that 47% of the Emiratis staffs represent 68% of the total female workforce of the organisation. The present study emphasises on the effectiveness of the retention strategies in the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC). In the progression, the proposal would make a gap a nalysis of the present topic and strategies regarding the methodological framework would also be discussed. Key research questions What is the significance of current retention strategies in Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company over organisational growth? What is the current employee retention followed by Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company? Which factors influence the employee retention strategies in Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company? How are the employee retention strategies interlined with the sustainability and competitiveness of Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company? Which strategic initiatives could improve the current employee retention index of Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company? Literature review The significance of current retention strategies in Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company over organisational growth The firm, Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC) has increased its employee satisfaction by incorporating several employee training and development programme in the organisation. It has been assessed that that company has improved overall employee satisfaction by 79% in 2015 (static.globalreporting.org, 2016). This result confirms that the implementation of the internal initiatives adopted by the firm is completely aligned with the social sustainability and the employee retention. The employees of the firm can maintain the work-life balance easily while working with the ADNEC so that the employees could increase the organisational productivity. As per the opinion of Vignesh and Babu (2012), the fairness and equity policy adopted by the firm enables the company to provide an attractive working environment which can also assist to improve the overall organisational productivity. This is also helpful to reduce the employee turnover rate of the firm in 2015. Considering the words of Younge and Marx (2015), ADNECs commitment ids also effective to attract highly qualified potential employees to achieve the organisational goals. The health and safety approach adopted by the organisation helps to increase employee engagement towards the organisation (Gberevbie, 2008). Therefore, it could be inferred that the chosen firm Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company has successfully established a potential employee retention strategy to foster the organisational growth. The employee retention policy of Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company The management of the specific brand has planned to develop the training programme to increase the professional expertise of the internal members. According to Gberevbie (2008), the management of the specific enterprise has claimed to invest a considerable amount of capital in the development course of its employees. The specific approach has benefited the enterprise to continue its operation with a total strength of 103 Emiratis. Mignonac and Richeb (2012) figured out that the annual strategic plan for the organisation has been carefully established and it is regularly updated with the purpose of meeting the demands of each department. The specific approach facilitated the employees of each department to understand the exclusive roles and responsibilities (Younge and Marx, 2015). Moreover, the training program often facilitates the employees to figure out the operational method that needs to follow to deliver the project with a correct time utilisation process. Moreover, the managem ent has also included the incentive programmes and the ADNEC-Excel London scholarship program for its staffs to impact the knowledge experience through mentoring and workshops. Factors influence the employee retention strategies in Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company Training and development The training and development session of the enterprise has been highly lucrative to provide the accurate professional knowledge amongst the employees. V.B.Devibala et al. (2011) mentioned that the management primary focuses on enhancing the expertise of the employees, thus, exclusive concentrations paid on the employee requirements and the satisfactions. Therefore, the training and developmental module the specific organisation includes the employee efficiency criteria that lead to the high retention ratio (issuu.com, 2016). Therefore, the training and development can be considered as a motivating factor that proficiently clarifies and enhances h professional expertise of the employees of the organisation. Thus, the employees feel free to serve the organisation without much hesitation. Incentive measures In the background of the existing concept, Gberevbie (2008) determined that the particular business ensures the provision of career development opportunities, quality training and performance incentives for the workforce. The above actions allow the nationals to contribution willingly to the management and leadership. In the particular enterprise the employees are trained in the initial phase and later trained expertise are implemented on the live projects (Vignesh and Babu, 2012). As a result of the efficient training, the employees get to utilise the professional knowledge skilfully. Thus, the incentive related program becomes viable for the majority of the employee. Recommendations to improve the current employee retention index of Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company Audit In the opinion of Korzynski (2013), it could be inferred that the management of the specific firm has initiated the majority of the employee motivating aspects. However, the auditing work of the organisation is not as strong as the other factors, therefore a frequent verification would be required to maintain the consistency in the employee performance. Through the specific action, the management would identify the flaws of its staffs, hence, further effective programs can be introduced to increase the employee efficacy, motivation and retention. Improving the Research and development prospects (RD) The employee strength of the employee base in the RD department is relatively less. The brand is performing spectacularly in its other domain. However, the work progression in the RD department is moving at a slow pace. Thus, the management is highly required to enhance its employee strength in the specific department. Methodology Research Philosophy There are three types of research philosophy that includes positivism, realism and interpretive. As per the view of Freshwater (2007), the positivism is the methodical philosophy, the interpretive relies more on human feedbacks and realism is required for the objects that are already felt by the human presence. In the existing proposal, the researcher would consider the positivism research philosophy due to its scientific nature. McGee (2007) asserted that the positivism philosophy often facilitates the researcher to recognize the employee conduct, employee motivation, decision making process and the factors that inspire the retention criteria. The assortment of the positivism philosophy would benefit the researcher to justify the research content with scientific approach. Thus, the research content would be verified in the systematic manner. With the support of the specific approach, the researcher would enable to tally the research subject with the framed aim and objectives. Thus, the scientific technique would benefit the researcher to understand the effectiveness of the retention strategies in Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC). Research Approach There are two types of research approaches, these are inductive and deductive. Waite (2011) specified that the inductive research approach helps to establish the new theories and the deductive design determine more on the testing the existing theories. In the present proposal, the researcher requires the approach that examines the viability of the selected theories. Therefore, the researcher would consider the deductive research approach to scrutinise the importance of the secondary theories that would be considered while framing the literature review part. Popping (2012) inferred that the due to the structured layout of the deductive research approach, the framework is considered as the waterfall model. The inductive research might not suit the criteria of the project due to its theory developing nature. Therefore, the deductive research approach would facilitate the researcher to scrutinise the role of the theory in the present study and its alignment with the framed research objec tives and questions. Research design The descriptive, exploratory and explanatory is the basic form of the research design. Considering the opinion of Thomas (2015), an inference can be drawn that the exploratory design is used to collect the background information of the research subject. However, the descriptive research design helps the researcher to derive an outcome on the basis the research objectives and questions. Therefore, the researcher would consider the descriptive research design and derive the conclusion after understanding the criteria like what, who, when, where and why. The descriptive research design would enable the research associate to comprehend the acute concept of the subject and identify the effectiveness of the retention strategy in Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company. Research Strategy The research strategy consists with three components which are experiment, survey and case study (Paynter, 2010). Alignment with the present research content, the researcher would consider the survey session to justify the present subject matter of the proposal. The employee of the organisation would be the quantitative samples. The responses of the samples would be gathered by sending over a close ended questionnaire in the personal mail ids. The survey session serves enough benefit to the researcher to understand the efficacy of the retention policy of ADNEC. Moreover, the research strategy would partly be a case study because the entire secondary database would be collected from the ADNEC. Data collection process Secondary Data Collection The research associate would gather the secondary data from the various books, journals and the other authorized websites of Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC). In this present context, Maistrenko (2015) mentioned that journals are the most reliable and dependable sources while collecting the secondary evidence to examine a research. As a consequence, the researcher would evaluate several e-journals and e-books for accumulating the secondary data for the present study. Adding to this, a distinct attention would be on the relevant sources to mitigate the data duplicity issues while collecting the secondary data. Primary Data Collection The quantitative and qualitative data assortment process would be an essential part of the primary data collection process (Thomas, 2015). The framed questionnaires would be provided to the employees of the ADNEC in the personal mail ids. In the addition, the qualitative data for the present study would be gathered from the face-to-face interview process. To satisfy the purpose, the managers of ADNEC would be interviewed to accumulate the relevant information regarding the corporate initiation with respect to the retention aspects. Data Analysis The feedbacks of the employees would be produced through the percentage responses. Then the quantitative data would be analysed in the study by altering the employees replies through the graphs and tables in an effective format (Waite, 2011). The feedbacks would be executed with the support of bar graphs and would be calculated in the MS Excel sheet. In this present context, Paynter (2010) denoted that MS Excel can be identified as the relevant tool to calculate the figurative contents received from the chosen samples. The feedbacks of the professionals would be detailed to re-examine secondary received for the current research subject. In the addition, few genuine deliberations of well-known authors and proposes would be implemented to tally the final outcomes with the existing propositions. Furthermore, it is essential to conduct the data triangulation in a justified way for establishing a potential relationship between the research results (Popping, 2012). The researcher would als o emphasise on the secondary gathered information in order to accomplish the genuine side in the current research context. Sampling process Probability and the non-probability sampling process are the foremost aspects of the sampling process (Maistrenko, 2015). The concerned researcher in the current proposal would deliberate the simple sampling method for selecting the quantitative respondents. The non-probability sampling process would be considered for selecting the qualitative responses. To conduct a bias-free sampling process, the simple random method is considered. The researcher would plan to survey on 60 employees of ADNEC to gather relevant information regarding the effectiveness of employee retention of the specific organisation. Moreover, 5 HR managers would be personally interviewed to collect the qualitative data. Types of investigation In the present project, the researcher would consider both the quantitative and qualitative approach. The quantitative responses would be collected via survey session. The samples would be provided with a close ended questionnaire in the personal mail id. According to Waite (2011), the advantage of the quantitative data is its figurative presentation. Thus, the researcher can easily understand the subject matter and identify the research issue. Moreover, the qualitative data would be collected in the descriptive format. The researcher would collect the information from the professionals. Thus, the chances of data manipulation would be relatively lower. Ethical considerations Thomas (2015) stated that the ethical consideration often direct the project to limit the possibility of data manipulation and misinterpretation. The ethical strategies create a peculiarity between the acceptable and the unacceptable perceptions. In the present research conduction process, the researcher would ensure a free and fair process in the sample selection process. The data that would be collected from the sampled would be maintained with high confidential measures and the corporate related details would not be disclosed to any of the third party. For the security purpose the data would be gathered for the research purpose and would be damaged soon after the completion of the project. Research limitation The time frame would be the limitation of the research as the entire activities would be limited to the time span. It would thus prohibit the researcher from collecting relevant and detailed information on the subject. Moreover, the managers can present a reluctant attitude towards the allocate dates thus, can be extremely busy to sit for the interview. The employee might find the find the survey session to be too lengthy; therefore, the respondents might take too much time to return the questionnaire. However, the data triangulation process might facilitate the researcher to arrive at an authentic conclusion. Outcomes The present research study evaluates on the significance of the employee retention policy undertaken by the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company. Evaluating the present study, inference can be drawn that the employee retention policies of the chosen form is considerably lucrative. The women employee base of the organisation is considerably stronger. Therefore, from the above assertion it could be configured that the employee within the employees are highly motivated, thus, the engagement ratio is specifically high. Therefore, the present strategy would serve immense benefit to the brand to increase its retention figure. Timescale Each of the responsibilities declared in the sections carries the relevance in existing subject matter. Each of the activities would be selected with a single week for meeting its deadline, hence, that the present project would receive considerable time tenure to gather and scrutinise the collected information. The final task, the conclusion and recommendations would be done only in the 6th week after the completion of the other tasks. Topics Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Introduction Illustrate the aim and objectives of the study Collection of the secondary data Determination of the research Methodology Accomplish quantitative and qualitative responses. Deduce the primary responses by triangulation process Objective linking and recommendation Table 1: Gnatt Chart (Source: Created by author) References: ADNEC annual report 2014 (2015) Available at: https://issuu.com/adnec/docs/annual_report_2014 (Accessed: 29 August 2016). ADNEC annual report 2014 (2015) Available at: https://issuu.com/adnec/docs/annual_report_2014 (Accessed: 29 August 2016). Beltaos, S., Tang, P. and Rowsell, R. (2012) Ice jam modelling and field data collection for flood forecasting in the Saint John River, Canada, Hydrological Processes, 26(17), pp. 25352545 Chen, S. (2014) The concept of historic authenticity and its Methdology for preservation of historic urban areas in Chinese contexts, Change Over Time, 4(2), pp. 404417. Dhabi, A. 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