Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Mission Admission The Second-Round Rush

Blog Archive Mission Admission The Second-Round Rush Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. For some reason, the conclusion of the American Thanksgiving weekend tends to signal the beginning of the rush toward second-round application deadlines. Many candidates who are just contemplating their applications tend to call us and ask, “How many schools can I apply to at this stage?” The answer to this question is not that simple. First and foremost, the answer is “quality before speed.” As a candidate, you are far better off  completing applications to three schools with 100% of your effort than to five schools with 60% effort. MBA Admissions Offices will notice sloppy mistakes, and they will weigh the fact that you did not show consideration in your application and thus may not really care all that much about their program. One thing some candidates forget or do not realize  is that they do  not need to commit to a specific number of schools up front. Most often, we suggest that candidates master one application and then apply what they have  learned to the next. Generally, attacking five schools simultaneously can be problematic, but if you make significant progress on your application for one school and then launch into the next, you can do so with the confidence that you will be completing each with a degree of excellence. The number of target schools varies for each candidate, depending on  the his or her  professional and personal schedules, written communication abilities, risk profiles, ambitions, etc. You should approach your applications methodically, recognize what is realistic and then work aggressivelyâ€"but not haphazardlyâ€"toward your ends. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission Blog Archive Mission Admission The Second-Round Rush Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. For some reason, the American Thanksgiving weekend tends to signal the beginning of the rush toward second-round application deadlines. Many candidates who are just contemplating their applications tend to call us and ask, “How many schools can I apply to at this stage?” or Am I too late to start my applications for Round 2 now? The answer to these questions is not that simple. First and foremost, the answer is “quality before speed.” As a candidate, you are far better off  completing applications to three schools with 100% of your effort than to five schools with 60% effort. MBA Admissions Offices will notice sloppy mistakes, and they will weigh the fact that you did not show consideration in your application and thus may not really care all that much about their program. One thing some candidates forget or do not realize  is that they do  not need to commit to a specific number of schools up front. Most often, we suggest that candidates master one application and then apply what they have  learned to the next. Generally, attacking five schools simultaneously can be problematic, but if you make significant progress on your application for one school and then launch into the next, you can do so with the confidence that you will be completing each with a degree of excellence. The number of target schools varies for each candidate, depending on  his or her  professional and personal schedules, written communication abilities, risk profiles, ambitions, etc. You should approach your applications methodically, recognize what is realistic and then work aggressivelyâ€"but not haphazardlyâ€"toward your ends. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission

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